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What On Earth is Wellness?


So, after a long break, today I'm going to be talking about my recent discovery and interest in the concept of wellness. I was first inspired to start thinking about these things when I watched the series British Vogue did with Camille Rowe: 'What On Earth is Wellness?' I really suggest you watch it. I genuinely believe it changed my life, or at least, changed my perception of life.

The series touches on mindfulness, diet and lifestyle, crystals, supplements, mindsets, yoga, dance - everything you need to start your journey. Think of it as your new digital bible. 

Health is a positive thing, and not just the absence of disease. So, for me, an extremely important element of this is what I eat. I am vegan, and I have been for just over 2 months - I'm not going to talk about that as I have a whole post coming up about that. If I don't stay active, I get very unmotivated and drained. And sad. If I don't sleep well, I stress like crazy. It's important to find your balance and what works for you.

One thing I can't stress enough: so much energy is wasted being mean to yourself, saying negative things about yourself. For me, a huge part of wellness is being kind to yourself, loving yourself. How can we expect someone to love, us to care for us, to think positive things about us if we can't even do that for ourselves?

One of my favourite quotes from the series is, 'The currency of wellness is connection.' I love this because it is so relevant and straightforward. We're connected with people, the physical, mental and emotional world. If you think of alcoholism, violence, addiction, depression: all of these things stem from lack of connection. If we focus on the root cause, it cancels everything out. Connection is love, and I believe it is one of the most important things you will ever learn.

If there's one thing I've learned its that you need to love every bit of yourself and the road that you've travelled up to now. Forgive anything, accept everything and just live right now. Have a lovely day <3


  1. back at it again wiv a great post!!! I’m extremely negative to self my self even to the point where literally all my friends and teachers have mentioned that I’m so hard on myself but like idkkkkkk imma try be more positive bc ngl I’m really negative in general!!!

    Ambra x

  2. I love the British Vogue channel so much, have you watched Grace Neutrals episodes? They're all about female empowerment and self-love and how it's approached/viewed in different countries...very interesting. Wellness is such a big thing right now and I feel like I should also be practicing it, I stress about the smallest things and work myself over them to the point it isn't healthy e.g. exams, I will study until the early morning not realising how detrimental it is for my body... anyway this is a long ass comment I'm sorryyy but I love this post AND good on you for "finding yourself"
    Dalal <3

    1. Yes!! I loved where she went to Brazil! It's so hard during exams ffs but thank you for commenting and the longer the comment the better xx
