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I'M BACK ( for good )



Yes, really. This is way overdue.. I've been locked out of my blogger account for just under a month, I think I had a little weep when I managed to get back in. Now that exams are over ( yes yes yes ), I'm going through a phase of being a living breathing potato. Meaning I've completed three different tv shows on netflix in the past month. I've been living off cold soup and babybels, and regret nothing ( maybe a bit ).

In other news, I got a dog! She's a gorgeous white Maltese, around 12 weeks old, called Poppy. I love her to bits, even if she put off my revision by 437237523047%. I'm in the middle of getting my results back, and overall I'm pretty pleased with them, even if there are a few I definitely could have done better on. The reason for this: after my first day of exams, I got really bad tonsillitis, so had to miss two days of them. I went back for the fourth and final day, and had to do the other two days 3 days later ( a lot of days ). 3 EXAMS IN ONE DAY. Nope. I'm just so glad it's over, cold soup here I come.

pictures from tumblr


  1. Yay you're back at last! Poppy is extremely adorable, you have to do the furry friends tag soon and cute blog design!
    Dalal x mono

    1. Yay yes I'm back! That's a great idea, and thank you! x

  2. Love the pictures that you used! Your blog design looks amazing!

    Ambra //

  3. Glad to see you back blogging again Edie, and your blog design is stunning, I am really jealous xx

  4. whoop whoop glad you're back Edie I love you new new design xx

  5. I can't wait until my exams are over, you're so lucky! I also really love your new blog design, it's gorgeous :)

    1. It took a lot of work and tears! Thank you Frances x
