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where i blog


Hi :) This is really one of the first proper personal posts I've done on this blog. So, this is where I blog! You'll have to imagine it on a good day, it's a bit cluttered. I know it would look way better with a mac laptop on the desk looking all professional, but, it's a work in progress. Can we all take time to appreciate the the copious amounts of Yankee candles... I also think the fairy lights make it look slightly more elegant and they're very pretty and give off the essence of calm when I'm in my room in the evening. Hopefully, I'll do another post like this maybe next year, when I'll have a laptop ( fingers crossed ). I'm very proud of the big E on the top shelf - decorated this myself guys.

In the not too distant future, I'm going to be attempting a 5K run, and I have no doubt that by the end I'll collapse and die. That's the best case. The worst case scenario and most likely is that I'll run for five minutes then collapse and die. So, I've ordered some Nikes, I've got an app called couch potato to 5K, so I think I'm set. Also, my friend Gigi  is going to attempt to run with me. Until next time ~ insert foreign goodbye here,

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