On a regular basis, I tend to not wear all that much makeup. For school, I like to fill my eyebrows in a little, maybe some concealer if my crazy under-eye circles are super dark, and powder to get rid of any oiliness. But I don't feel the need to wear makeup if I go out to the corner shop to pick up some bread at 8am or nip out to superdrug quickly to stock up on soap. What really scares me is that some girls do. They feel so uncomfortable in their own skin, they want to cover up every single flaw they can find.
I'm not saying if you have a big blemish on your face you should leave it, but it's fine to go out without makeup every once in a while - it won't kill you! Here's what I like to do when I want to feel a bit more 'glammed up', or if I'm going out somewhere special and want to look my best. It doesn't have the winged eyeliner I love to do, but this post is called 'natural beauty'.
I cover up any spots or red patches on my face with Rimmel's Wake Me Up concealer, and then powder with the all famous Rimmel Stay Matte powder. I fill in my brows with the shade 'Naked 2' in the Urban Decay Naked Basics palette, and I use an angled Real Techniques eyeshadow brush. If I feel like it, I'll line my eyes with the shade 'Crave'. It gives a lovely, natural and defined look. My new love is the Cowshed lip balm - it smells like a meadow you'd dream of walking through in a white flowy dress with a flower crown in you hair, but throw a bit of the Jo Malone rose scent in there. This all makes sense in my head..
Finally, here's me, without any makeup or touch-ups. This is my hair, one day after washing without any extra product in it, and my weird smile up close. Kind of scary?
(This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily , Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and Instagram hash tag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!) Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have Instagram, send a quick email to rebekkarosebeautyxo@gmail.com!)