Accepting Yourself
There's something I need to address. Nobody is 100% confident in themselves. If you are, good for you, because you're everyone's goal. It really upsets me how much the media focuses on how your body looks and what you weigh, and this is rubbing off on the general public. I can say that I'm fed up with it - you are as much of a real human with super muscly arms or no thigh gap as you are with bony hips and a thigh gap. Me saying it doesn't make any difference, but it's something I'd really like to see change.
"Pretty Food"? Too many people have the impression food that keeps you slim and beautiful tastes of cardboard and has zero calories.. foods that nourish you aren't like skinny pills. Foods that keep you looking and feeling beautiful aren't jam-packed with chemicals that make it low-fat or sugar free. Those ingredients are devoid of pleasure.
It's hard to find the balance between feeling good about yourself and feeling overly confident. Likewise, feeling crap about yourself and your body is awful. don't get me wrong - I'm not 100% confident with myself. At all. But it's so important to try and be happy with yourself, or find someone else to help you.
If you're looking for something that you can escape with to give you a new perspective, yoga is perfect. Don't judge it by what you see on tv, just try it.
I've never been bullied about my weight, but I have seen other people go through it and it makes me incredibly angry. This can lead on to more physical and mental problems than you can possibly imagine. 1.6 million people in the UK suffer from eating disorders. Doesn't that make you feel sick? The fact that so many people feel so uncomfortable with themselves, they'd rather deny food, starve for weeks, risk their friendships, or die, than be who they are? Society is vicious. Please, don't get sucked in.
You are beautiful and you are worth it.
(This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily , Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a week on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and Instagram hash tag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!) Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have Instagram, send a quick email to!)
It's that time again, possibly one of my favourite times of the year. Spring is in full swing ( that didn't mean to rhyme ), and near my house all of the cherry blossoms have come out. All of the streets are lined with beautiful pink petals, and it's so nice to go for a quick walk and just be in awe of how beautiful it looks. The other day, I thought it would be lovely to take some pictures here, and the funny ( and sad ) thing is, all the blossoms died the next day. Good timing, Edie. But really, I'm excited for these photos. I think they have a slightly retro feel to them - I hope you like them too :)
dress - urban outfitters
shoes - asos
necklace - brandy melville
OK, so I know this outfit isn’t extraordinary and is quite easy. I only have around 2 outfit posts planned, so there might be the odd outfit that's a bit rushed or questionable! I still love love love the cherry blossoms in the background, I think they look lovely with the dress.
The print of the dress is gorgeous. I bought it a while ago and haven't worn it much, but now I remember how much I used to adore it. It's not too colourful, but I love the pink and white on black thaaaang. It sort of reminds me of a neck scarf my grandma would wear.
Aaahhh the bliss of having absolutely nothing to do. I think the only downside of being in California is that I've had the same clothes for 3 weeks and I'm running out of thing to show you.. so I might be a bit short on outfit posts, which I apologise for. It's really beautiful here, and we're right next to the beach. I actually did a yoga session yesterday morning, on the beach. I really didn't want to try yoga before because I thought I'd be craaaaaap at it, but apparently it's not all about flexibility. Whatever it's about, I liked it more than I thought I would.
I'm excited to come back home though. Not excited for the 11 hour flight and term of hard core revision and exams that await. Hope you're all well and having a nice day :)
With every new collection Lazy Oaf bring out, I find myself crying at: a) how expensive everything is, b) how much I want everything. Their SS15 one is flawless, all of it. Inspired by old school arcade games - mainly for the men's collection - it's overflowing with slogans and graphic prints. Geometrical patterns, surreal shapes - do they just know me? I love the super shirt and cloud sweatshirt in the summer collection, and the work of art shirt in the spring collection. The cloud sweatshirt. I need it. Urgent.
I think everyone will agree that we all have days when we're feeling a bit *insert very angry word here*. They're horrible, and you never want to do anything with your life at that specific point in time. Here are some things I like to do when I'm having days like this - they're simple, but fail-proof.
1. Do some light exercise. I know this is out of some peoples' comfort zones, and was out of mine until a few months ago, but I promise, if you haul yourself out of bed, you will feel 50 times better after you've exercised. There's a beautiful park near my house and I absolutely love putting on my workout clothes ( that's another thing, invest in some exercise gear that makes you feel confident ) and going for a 20-30 minute run once around the park first thing in the morning. Not first thing, usually around 9am. If you're going to try to build up some sweat or get your heart pumping, it is SO important to eat a healthy, energising breakfast and bring some water with you. I'm not claiming to do hours of exercise every day I feel sad, but it is something I try to do, and I know it'll make me feel better when I come back from it.
2. Have a bath/shower. I don't like having baths when I'm moody, as the hot water tends to get me really hot and bothered. A shower always leaves me feeling refreshed and clean, especially if I wash my hair. I love to use a shower gel or soap that I wouldn't normally use - something that's a little fancier. We all have those products that we ration out over months, or even years.. If you're feeling particularly groggy, turn on the cold water for the last 10 seconds or so. It's not pleasant as you do it, but you'll come out feeling awake and ready to do something with your day.
3. Recently, I decided to try the diy fruity drink thing that Starbucks sell - and I LOVE it. I'll get out of the shower, put a towel around my head to dry my hair and sit with my fancy 'beverage', maybe watching some YouTube videos. Or Netflix - I recently finished ALL of Pretty Little Liars, and finished Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in 3 days.. So I'm re-watching 90210. Yep, re-watching as in I've seen all 5 series before.
4. Fooood. I'd love to say that I eat a big bowl of fruit or an avocado sandwich or something on these days, but the harsh reality is that I comfort eat. I'll reach for a chocolate mousse, a packet of crisps, or a cup of lemonade. On some days, I won't want to put bad foods into my body, as it will most likely make me feel worse, so lettuce and a copious amount of Caesar dressing is my saviour. I'm also obsessed with strawberries, I consume boxes at a time.
5. I love giving my skin a little pamper. It makes me feel so fresh, and kind of like a goddess to be honest. Although that's never the reality haha. I wash, cleanse and tone my face, probably with my Simple Triple Action Spotless Face Wash, First Aid Face Cleanser and Garnier Refreshing Toner, and then pop on a face mask. One of my new favourites is the Love Lettuce face mask by Lush. It has the perfect fresh scent, with hints of cucumber and mint. I feel GLOWING when I take it off. I then put on a teeny bit of my Garnier Moisture Matte.
6. Next, when my hair is dry, I've washed my face mask off and changed into something that makes me feel like a queeeen, I'll light a fresh smelling candle. One of my favourite fresh scents is Bath and Body Works's 'Eucalyptus Mint', although I love Jo Malone's 'Green Tomato Leaf', which is my 'fancy grown up' candle. I also love spritzing myself with some perfume or body spray. My two favourite body sprays are 'Aqua Kiss' by Victoria's Secret and the Satsuma Body Spray by the Body Shop.
7. Now that I'm feeling all fresh and lovely, the one thing I desperately try not to do is stay in my room. Call up your friends, go out to somewhere you've never been and have an adventure.
This post is part of a little blogger series I'm taking part in called the "secret blogger project 2015" run by teen bloggers Emily , Rebekka and Charlotte. About 30 of us will be writing twice a month on selected little lifestyle topics and you can also go onto the twitter and instagram hashtag "#secretbp2015" to have a little chat and view everyone's posts. If you would like to join or know more (we'd love to have you!) Instagram dm @theperks0fbeingemily or if you don't have instagram, email! xxx

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If you're wondering why on earth I wanted to take pictures in front of walls of year old bubblegum, the answer is this - it's pretty incredible. Once you get past the 'oh my days this is disgusting I'm gonna puke' stage, it's amazing. Situated in San Luis Obispo, which is a town in California, it's right between a retro sweetshop and Wildfox Couture. Classy. There a cute love notes stuck here and there, and I just loved the whole experience. Of course, how could I go there without sticking my own gum on the wall? I couldn't. Another reason I really wanted to go here, is because I wanted to do a slightly different, special post, because... this is my 100TH POST ON THIS BLOG. WHOOOOO *confetti* *trumpets* *scattered applause*. I just want to take some time to thank everyone who reads and follows this blog. Although there aren't many of you, you all mean the world to me. Okay, soppy moment over. Have a nice day :)
To all the girls out there with hair that's at an awkward length and it doesn't grow and it's thin and gross and you can't wear it down because it's too frizzy - I feel you. Sometimes it feels great, I don't need to be like everyone else with thick and luscious long hair. But it gets a bit of a pain. Since I can't find any decent tutorials for my type of hair, here's one that should help out any of you in the same position!
All you need to do is have two sections of your hair twisted around each other, but on the section closest to the middle of your head, pick up little sections of hair each time you twist it ( that was an awful explanation, I hope you know what I mean ). You can do this as many times as you want down the side of your head, but I think it looks nicest with just two. I love how this looks with messy, wavy hair, but you could opt for curly or straight hair, which I'm sure would look nice too!
What's your go-to hairstyle?
Seeing as I'm in California at the moment, obviously one of the places on my list to visit was Sephora. I came out with a nail polish, another lip gloss and a face cleanser ( more on that to come.. ), and this beautiful product. I was super excited to try this, after having heard pretty much every beauty blogger and YouTuber rave about it. When I tested it on my hand, I was shocked by how pigmented and creamy it was! I was expecting the product to be a lot drier, and the applicator is something new to me.
The packaging, like any other Too Faced product, is stunning. I really liked how the tube is the exact same colour as the product. The shade itself is gorgeous - a subtle baby pink. It's perfect for every day looks but could buildable for a 'going out' look, as it's such a versatile colour.
Overall, I love this product and will definitely be buying more colours to see if they live up to this one!

top - h&m
shorts - primark
necklace - c/o Bohemian Quartz
sunglasses - new look
After mentioning experimenting with prints, I found these beautifuuuul shorts in my local Primark. I absolutely love the print, I don't know how to explain it ( not very good with my 'fashion vocab' ). I then toned it down ( a bit ) with this basic white tee from h&m. They're so good for that last minute holiday shop because they always seem to have a sale on.
I know I did an outfit post about a week ago ( hahahahaha ), but I'm finding it hard to write enough for you, seeing as I don't have enough interesting clothes/reasons to get out my pyjamas at the moment. Maybe soon..
now playing: i bet you look good on the dance floor arctic monkeys/maps yeah yeah yeahs/retrograde james blake
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